WCC News Story Archive

Semiconductor chip

Ta'Varus Lumpkin, Dental Assistant

WCC Marketing - April 11, 2023

During the winter months, WCC runs a dental clinic that’s operated by third-year dental students from the University of Michigan with the help of WCC dental assisting students. An area dentist oversees the clinic, and Lumpkin’s skills caught his eye

View Post :   Ta'Varus Lumpkin, Dental Assistant

tags: Dental Assisting

Lorem ipsum

Eleven WCC digital video students nominated for Student Production Awards

Rich Rezler - April 05, 2023

Eleven projects created by students in WCC's Digital Video program have been nominated for a Student Production Award from the Michigan chapter of the National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences.

View Post :   Eleven WCC digital video students nominated for Student Production Awards

tags: Digital Media Arts, Digital Video Production, Student Production Awards, Student Awards

Touring Zoller headquarters

ZOLLER donates nearly $250,000 in equipment to train future workforce at WCC

Fran LeFort - April 05, 2023

ZOLLER Inc. has donated nearly $250,000 in equipment to WCC to train students on state-of-the-art machinery that measures precision cutting tools along with an advanced tool management system.

View Post :   ZOLLER donates nearly $250,000 in equipment to train future workforce at WCC

tags: March 2023, On The Record, Donation, Workforce Development, Advanced Manufacturing, Workforce Training

Ken Wilson and Julia Huttar-Bailey

Donation will support WCC single mom students

Rich Rezler - March 29, 2023

A recent $20,000 donation by Ken Wilson to the WCC Foundation created the Nancy C. Wilson Single Mom’s Relief Fund, an endowment that will provide at least one annual scholarship to a qualified WCC student in perpetuity, along with directing additional money into the college's Student Emergency Fund.

View Post :   Donation will support WCC single mom students

tags: On The Record, March 2023, Scholarships, Donation, WCC Foundation, Student Success, Student Emergency Fund

Jason Karas quote

Certificates align higher education with workforce needs

Rich Rezler - March 29, 2023

“Creating shorter certificates is crucial for working professionals returning to college, because it gives students quick and flexible options to re-skill themselves,” said Trinity Health Director of Digital Marketing and Websites Jason Karas, who transitioned into the industry thanks to a WCC credential.

View Post :   Certificates align higher education with workforce needs

tags: Web Design, Adult Education, Certificates, Alumni Profile, March 2023, On The Record

Esports Arena

New Esports Arena open for teams, student free play

Rich Rezler - March 29, 2023

A new, state-of-the-art Esports Arena has opened on the WCC campus to provide enrolled students opportunity for recreation, competition and exposure to the academic and career opportunities associated with the growing Esports industry.

View Post :   New Esports Arena open for teams, student free play

tags: On The Record, March 2023, Esports, Student Activities, Student Development

Fall 2022 Career Fair

Public invited to Spring Career Fair March 29

Kayla Gahagan - March 23, 2023

Job seekers are invited to Washtenaw Community College’s (WCC) Annual Spring Career Fair on Wednesday, March 29.

View Post :   Public invited to Spring Career Fair March 29

tags: Resume, Career Fair, Center for Career Success, Workforce Development, community

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