Ypsilanti residents invited to learn more about WCC's Advance Ypsi education and jobs training program
Fran LeFort - September 07, 2023
Washtenaw Community College (WCC) will host three information sessions for Ypsilanti residents interested in the new Advance Ypsi education and jobs training program.
View Post : Ypsilanti residents invited to learn more about WCC's Advance Ypsi education and jobs training programtags: Mobility, Automotive, Advance Ypsi, Workforce Development, IT

WCC launching semiconductor technician program as part of Michigan STAR initiative
Fran LeFort - May 16, 2023
Washtenaw Community College will launch a new semiconductor technician training program to advance the electrification of the automotive industry.
View Post : WCC launching semiconductor technician program as part of Michigan STAR initiativetags: Automotive, Workforce Development, EV, Semiconductor, Workforce Training, Industry

WCC grad Alex Spencer exemplifies next generation of transportation workforce
Fran LeFort - August 10, 2022
WCC is educating a nimble, highly skilled workforce for the next generation of automated transportation and mobility, and recent graduate Alex Spencer is poised to become one of those new leaders.
View Post : WCC grad Alex Spencer exemplifies next generation of transportation workforcetags: December 2022, On The Record, Automotive Services, Automotive, Alumni Profile, Launch Fall 2022, Launch, ousearch_News_Launch Magazine, Advanced Transportation, CCAT

Student Trevor Clayton represents WCC on national transportation panel
Fran LeFort - December 15, 2021
Washtenaw Community College (WCC) student Trevor Clayton was selected as a panelist for the National Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) webinar discussion held December 3. Clayton joined peers from four other community colleges throughout the nation to discuss the many transportation fields of study and potential career paths and to impart advice to interested high school students.
View Post : Student Trevor Clayton represents WCC on national transportation paneltags: Intelligent Transportation Systems, January 2022, Transportation Technologies, Automotive, Advanced Transportation Center, On The Record, CCAT