WCC's Marisol Adelmann advocates for adult education in nation's capital
Rich Rezler - May 24, 2023
WCC employee Marisol Adelmann recently traveled to Washington D.C. to participate in a legislative briefing in support of adult education.
View Post : WCC's Marisol Adelmann advocates for adult education in nation's capitaltags: Workforce Development, GED, Adult Transitions Pathways, Adult Transitions

Ph.D. in hand, first-gen college grad teaching others academic and career skills
WCC - March 01, 2021
Barnaby Pung, a part-time instructor of Academic and Career Skills at WCC, is motivated to guide students along career paths.
View Post : Ph.D. in hand, first-gen college grad teaching others academic and career skillstags: Faculty Profile, On The Record, Academic and Career Skills, ousearch_News_2021, February 2021, GED

Students overcome struggles to earn GED diplomas
Kelly Gampel - June 21, 2019
June 20 was an evening some students doubted was in reach.
View Post : Students overcome struggles to earn GED diplomastags: ousearch_News_2019, Lawanda Leverett, Adult Transitions Pathways, GED