Skilled trades careers are high-tech, high-demand and high-wage
Rich Rezler - August 16, 2022
Professional trades careers in Michigan pay about 39% higher than the statewide average for all occupations. Those same careers often require less schooling and student debt than a four-year degree.
View Post : Skilled trades careers are high-tech, high-demand and high-wagetags: Motorcycle Service, Automotive Services, Launch Fall 2022, Advanced Manufacturing, Skilled Trades, Transportation Technologies, Welding and Fabrication, Construction, Automotive Powertrain Development, Launch, Engineering, HVAC, Auto Body Repair

WCC students network with industry experts at CAR Management Briefing Seminars
Richard Rezler - July 31, 2018
A pair of Washtenaw Community College students are interacting with automotive industry experts at the Center for Automotive Research (CAR) Management Briefing Seminars being held July 30-August 2 in Traverse City.
View Post : WCC students network with industry experts at CAR Management Briefing Seminarstags: Center for Automotive Research (CAR) Management, 2018, Rosa Lechartier, Business, Zachyre Van Buren, ousearch_News_2018, Automotive Powertrain Development